Thursday, November 6, 2008

The BEST Gift!

If you're looking for a gift that is inexpensive and wonderful for the whole family -may I suggest one? It costs less than cable TV,a Large pizza,or a movie night out
($32) yet can SAVE a child in distress...Compassion International! For only $32 your family can give life(food,medical,spiritual) substance to a boy or girl who is desperately hungry and hurting. My kids love knowing they have "other brothers" who we help every month. I love getting their little hand written letters and sending them postcards and letters. I wish I would have started years ago...instead of "picking a boy or girl" I asked to sponsor whoever's been on the waiting list longest...and I got all boys. Breaks my heart-(future men,fathers,husbands) who need food and medical etc...The BEST gift I think-to help someone and forgo one of the many "luxury's" I have here in the US,all for a little innocent child. Humm, just what Christmas was all about.


  1. i just sent off letters and christmas $$ today to my kids :)


  2. I love me some crafts!!! I might just have to stick around for awhile! haha!

    Bless you for using your voice for the children and their families who live in poverty.

    Will you join us?


Thanks for visiting!