Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Like a turtle

This has started out as a stressful new year-My van isn't working AGAIN-so close to be all payed off too!!! More money to fix- my house is a cluttered mess that needs to be decluttered and I had mice in my oven! GROSS-so its out and I'm waiting on a new one. My computer isn't working to let me attach my new camera-all those pics from Christmas!!...I prayed for wisdom &strength first,then made a list of things I can do,and I'll slowly start tackling each thing -better then ignoring or eating about it.
Slow and steady a turtle.

1 comment:

  1. Val,
    I am so sorry 2009 is starting out so rough. I can't wait to see pictures of Ryan, I am sure you had an amazing time. Call me and tell me all about your visit! Michelle


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