Friday, May 1, 2009

Kitchen remodel

Ive been busy looking for shelves and racks to put my stuff on, because Brian ripped out the cabinets...We're getting new cabinets this weekend, and new granite counter tops-so Ive been decluttering the kitchen. Taking everything is out is overwhelming, but is a great way to face hidden messes, and get rid of stuff!
I found the metro rack -$10 at a yard sale and the wood shelves Brian found beside the road for FREE.Love that! I also got some metal shelves for $5 at the thrift store which we'll use in the garage.Not pretty now- but wait till the after pic!


  1. ugh I would be SOOOOOOO stressed!!! you are soooo organize and collected. my brain would just see tons of work and mess and then it would shut down. haha

  2. I can't wait to see the finished product!

  3. SCORE on the shelves!!! verry cheap!!!


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