Thursday, September 17, 2009

I'll take door #1...

Remember the game show where they picked a prize behind a certain door? (Lets make a Deal)Well, here is my "deal"...(Racing around cleaning right before dinner time)
In order to get this...

Plus this...

You get this!

Surprise! One mountain of unfolded laundry! Today Sawyer was climbing on it -going "TA DA!" Who knew, his very own mountain, in his own home! OK, so I know I have to fold it, and now iron most of it..guess that's what I deserve for putting it off and off and off.I think I'll time myself and see how long it takes to finish.
How bout you? Do you do this too?

1 comment:

  1. yep- i have 2 full baskets on my bedroom floor right now... it will just sit there till i do MORE wash this weekend and i need the basekets... hahah



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