Sunday, October 11, 2009

Cleaning and Painting and fixing..

My family's coming to visit! (Explanation for post title) Today I deep cleaned the boys bedroom. My company wont be sleeping in there - but I still wanted to go through the closet and sort and edit. I washed the curtains,duvets,and sheets. I vacuumed out the closet and under their beds. I got rid of tons of hanging clothes that were too small or they didn't like. My biggest accomplishment was putting up letters, that spell their names, on their walls. I had bought these white letters, on sale, almost 5 yrs ago! They'd been sitting up in the closet, and when I saw them I decided to stop, and go out the garage and paint them. Nothing fancy, just $1.50 Barn Red acrylic paint. It only took about two coats, and only 22 minutes to paint them!! Later,I ran to Ben Franklin to buy blue FunTak to adhere them, so there wouldn't be nail holes, and it is much faster!(I used FunTak all the time when I was working/merchandising-to put up department letters.)
I'm bummed I hadn't done this 4 years earlier.

I'm now onto Lily's room.
We repainted her walls a light "Pink Cherub" paint color, yesterday. I'm going to sew curtains later in the day, and Mr. B is putting up two new, longer shelves above her windows, for her stuffed animals. I was very proud of her, because she got rid of three bags full of stuffed animals and is donating them to the school fun fair.
More pics to come!

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