Friday, November 13, 2009

Birthday beach

I went to the beach on my birthday...

walked past lots of pretty foliage...


and didn't realize it was high tide.

Right after I found a spot, (by that coconut in the photo) and sat down , a big wave came in and washed over all my magazines and books! Yikes! I grabbed my purse up in time, but not the book bag.

I eventually moved away from the shore up onto the grassy,bushy area and tried to relax. Earlier in the day I had my yearly eye exam and for got that the doctor has to dilate my pupils -so I was dizzy and nauseous. Plus I think I wasn't supposed to be in bright light for at least 3 hours, not a good idea I guess. I came home and a friend had dropped off some delicious cases of Pierre' and a dozen roses. So thoughtful. I took a nap,then later we watched "Up" a new movie from Pixar. Very good, and a nice low key day all in all.

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