Monday, November 23, 2009

Easy book clips

I've been helping out with some sweet 4-6Th grade girls on Sundays, and I had told them I'd bring something if they remembered to bring their bibles...
I was going to get some book clips at the bookstore-but hadn't made it there during the week, so..this morning I made my own. Very simple.

I got these paper clips out of the desk...

then I got out these felt flowers ( from Pier Import Easter time)...

and I quickly glued them onto the paper clip with my glue gun. (back to back)

I also got out some Kraft paper and my paper cutter...

and cut little cards to attach them to.

Here's the finished product. Very easy-less than 20 minutes!

P.S. The girls loved them, and the little "bling" on the flower.

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