Thursday, April 8, 2010

Cheap cheap cheap Salvation Army Wall Art

Here's how I spent less then a child's Happy Meal, and put up a picture in 15 minutes...

First, I found this fabric covered photo album with this cool pic, for all of $3!

Great picture on the outside---not so much on the inside... yuck! rusty,old,etc...

I could tell the picture was enamel and solid (like tin, aluminum, etc..) so I bought it fully intending to take it off of the fabric album. If it didn't work I figured it was a small price for trial and error.

I pulled it off with a bit of effort (lots of glue!), and took as much of the glue, off the back, as I could.

I hot glued a coffee bag clip on the back...

1. because it was easy to find in my kitchen, 2. because it was free and I didn't want to buy a picture hook that would have been more then the picture! and 3. because I have a ton!!

I put a small screw in the wall and ...

Voila! Instant art!

Goes perfectly well in my children's bath.

So keep your eyes open and look for things that can be used in another way!

1 comment:

  1. VAL! That's such a great use for those Coffee clips!! Awesome idea!! thanks for sharing :) I miss you!!!


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