Monday, September 27, 2010

The Gross side of remodeling...

We started to tear out the floor and glass block this weekend...

I was the "assistant/helper" -I swept and carried out the old tile . I used my child's handy wagon for this and it worked wonderfully and saved on time and effort. Plus my back didn't hurt last night!

Lots of work to take out the blocks!

Brian discovered dry rot underneath the glass block so it will take longer to redo the bathroom.

Getting there...

As I was taking the tile out, I kept a mental picture of how great our bathroom will look...kinda of like this one, yet slightly different...

Again-all finished & debris taken out...

plus the only one who thought today was great fun...Sawyer!

1 comment:

  1. Yikes! My brain instantly went into overwhelmed mode and it's not even my bathroom!
    Hopefully it gets done soon! I can;t wait to see pictures!
    It's cool you have all these pics, bc you could do like a portfolio for Brian if he wanted to start his own business again!


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