Friday, December 17, 2010

Cool boy

Hi I've been busy -1st post up...

Sawyer's new look...
He came out of the bedroom -wanting to show me his "cool boy" look, then asked me to take his picture.
He even struck his own pose-I did not prompt him in any way.

He had turned his hat backwards and put on Levi's dog tag and said, "Whats up?-thats what cool guys say".

Then he showed me his "cool boy " dance. Oh boy-I'm thinking about 10 years from now-cool boy's gonna be a handful.


  1. OH MY!!! This is funnier than I imagined when you were telling me about!!!! lol he's hilarious!!!
    I miss Sawyer :D

  2. so cute Val! he is really growing up!! love, stacie


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