Tuesday, December 28, 2010

New Grandson has arrived!

Little Connor Isaac is here! Garrett and Britney's second son.
22", 9 lbs 2oz. Pictures soon to follow.
Mommy doing well in recovery.

Ryan kissing Connor

Here is some info from the website "Think Baby Names"...
The boy's name Connor \c(on)-
nor\ is pronounced KAH-ner. It is of Irish and Gaelic origin, and the meaning of Connor is "hound-lover". Anglicised form of Conchobhar (Gaelic), which was the name of a legendary king of Ulster who lived at the time of Christ. See also Konnor. Irish author Conor Cruise O'Brien.

The boy's name Isaac \i-sa ac\ is pronounced EYE-zik. It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Isaac is "laughter". Biblical: the only son of Abraham by his wife Sarah. Violinist Itzhak (ITS-hahk) Perlman; scientish Isaac Newton; angler Izaak Walton; authors Isaac Bashevis Singer, Isaac Asimov; football player Isaac Bruce; singer Isaac Hanson.


  1. congratulations, he looks beautiful, and is so well named. May you all enjoy this very special time in good health.

  2. Congrats to you on your handsome grandson, my youngest weighed 9 lbs 12 oz they are so fun when they weigh like that at birth!


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