Friday, March 18, 2011

Sundae Party

Yeah! Finally! I got a new camera cord... so I could download pictures!!!

... Lily's actual birthday fell on a weekday- so I decided to have a Sundae party for her.
(Well that, and I saw these free labels on Amy Moss's website and it motivated me to use them!) I typed out what things we'd be using for the sundaes...
then printed them...

Then I "hand" cut out the labels-not the "fun " part at all... I know that's how punches were invented! Next I got out scrapbook paper and glued the labels to the paper.

I found these small sundae dishes for a couple bucks and used them for the various toppings...

She wanted Gummi bears, Reese's, Chocolate chips and I got coconut for the hubby.

Ready to go on the counter..

Close up of nut toppings, chocolate syrup and whipped cream.

Thrift store sundae spoons.

labels placed -all done..

Strawberry, caramel syrup, & cherries. I measured the length of the jars, then used double stick tape to adhere the paper and labels.

Milkshake glasses from thrift store.

Ice cream! ( in the background)

Toppings out...

Love the colors.

I'm going to try to find more dishes this size-perfect for the littler ones...

Banana's too-pink Fiestaware bowl.

All set up -waiting on family before I put out the rest..I used her banner and the tablecloth and box from her other party...

Birthday girl!

Everything is out -ready to dig in!

Set up went pretty quick,-toppings were gone quickly too!

Now your turn.

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