Saturday, June 4, 2011

Our Grand Waikiki Hilton "Staycation"!

Be prepared---I am going to post alot of pictures about this staycation!!
A great friend blessed my family with three FREE nights at the Hilton, in Waikiki. It was AWESOME- to say the least. This place was beautiful-and it felt so luxurious. A tour-this was going out towards the main lobby and pool, etc.. 

Passed by this fountain...

giant painted canvas of Heleconia plants...

Carved wood panels-

more panels..

some interesting wool carpet...

A very tall hutch showcasing Hawaiian artifacts,

and weapons.

Woven headdress

Hawaiian gourds...

Large flower arrangement

seating area by elevator...

and wood panel above elevator (told you, lots of pics)

The mirror by elevators- I love all this wood work.


Now-our 3 Room/Suite! 17th floor.

Let's take a tour...Living room,
walking into room...

another angle.

...flat screen #1 & door to kids room.
(We don't have cable, so flat screens all through this place was a big treat for all of us) Lots of HGTV watching!

Dining room

sconce and mirror detail.

Full kitchen, microwave, oven, fridge,etc...

the tile accent on kitchen back splash...

Kid's Room left of living room... 

watching flat screen #2 (Lots of Cartoon Network)

Kids bathroom

Master bedroom...

wood detail on bed.

turning to left, facing the balcony,armorie' and flat screen #3. (Lots of History channel and the military channel)

 Detail on armorie'.

 Master bath

Huge sunken tub and shower stall.

 Sawyer enjoying the huge tub!

Flower tile detail around tub.

On to the outside...
Our view out on the long balcony- looking to the left


and to the right- beach, and lagoon.

Hi Sailboat!

To the right, looking down at the lagoon by day...

and then at night-they even had fireworks on Friday evening!!!!!!!!! The kids were so excited and surprised--it was excellent sitting out watching the show up close.

First morning -we went out to the hotel pool & water slides!
The slides and hot tub...



and Sawyer. He opted to sit in the hot tub, and watch them slide down.

There is another larger pool that the kids went swimming in..

Lily was sweet and pulled Sawyer all around all day.

He got a little braver and tried to go out by himself.
 (Swim lessons this summer)

Eventually they were all hungry...

and tired...

so we went back to the room and I cooked dinner.
(I had planned a "menu" & bought food to make meals for the three days we were there.)

Next day -on to the lagoon and pool.

Brian rented a paddle boat for an hour and

gave them all a turn around the lagoon,

I even tried it, then Levi asked the rental place if he could trade/rent a kayack for the last 1/2 hour.
So all of us tried it out.
Levi and with dad...

Lily with Dad...

 and Sawyer with dad.

I tried it out with Lily...exhausting!!
Levi decided to use it as a paddle board the last bit we had it.

To finish off this wonderful "Staycation" -I give you this video of a hula girl and musicians that were in the hotel lobby on Saturday! Aloha!


  1. WOW does Hawaii ever get old? I wish we could go back sooo bad! Looks like a beautiful place to stay!

  2. Never! it is warm and beautiful-come visit!

  3. how FUN!!!! looks like you had a great vacation! we miss Hawaii too! and YOU!


Thanks for visiting!