Thursday, October 16, 2008

The new man in my life

Well its true, someone came into my life and I cant resist him! He arrived on Oct 4th and weighed in at 9.5...not tall,but dark and handsome!

I get to hold him in December and I cant wait!
My son & his wife had their first child..Ryan and because I live in the middle of the Pacific I have to wait till December to see him in person!


  1. Hey Grandma Valerie,
    we love you a ton!
    your blog seems cool!
    We can not wait to see you in
    December!! :]

    Love, Britney and Ryan
    (Garrett is at work)

  2. Val, A Grandma!! I can't believe it. It has been so much fun to look at your blog (Amy told me about it). We have so many fun memories of you and Brian and the kids. You have a cute!! Grandson. Have fun in December and hopefully we can keep in touch. Love you Sue Adams


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