Monday, November 24, 2008

Kids Prayers

I love when my kids pray out loud at night. They're so real,and honest when they talk to God. Tonight Levi said "Thank you so much for blessing me even though I wasn't very good today"(I thought huh? you weren't? What happened???),he preceded on..."I was really mad when I didn't get to go to the shooting range",(rained out)"but thank you for letting JT", (our 15 yr old neighbor)"give me all his old Lego's.I guess all things really do work together for good. Amen" That's right -three tubs of Lego's! He was so excited all day. Very blessed indeed.
And Lily's prayer..."Thank you for letting me play with my friends, and thank you for my little brother, because even if he's bothering me, and I say I hate him in my head,you know, I really love him in my heart". Yep, Very real and honest.


  1. soooo sweet!!!

  2. oh, that's the cutest thing ever. Both of them. Love those kids!


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