Monday, December 1, 2008

A little glimpse

I've been busy,tired and anxious lately. Trying to get everything in order,decorated,and prepared for Christmas. Stressing about how much time, or not time I'm spending with my kids. Trying to make it a wonderful Christmas for them, and all the other self imposed craziness that goes with that desire. My wonderful,mechanical, 10 yr son put together all my artificial trees, 6 total! My 8 yr old daughter helped me put on ornaments. The tree in her room,the boys room,my room, and the dining room, are up, and lit, and look beautiful at night.I'm always so glad when everything is out, and yet stressed till its done. Hate that. I'm on to the living room tree -which is by far the most time consuming.However,I love unwrapping each ornament and remembering where I got it or from whom,thinking about the person and place. I love Christmas,and the wrapping,
decorating,remembering,giving.The music,sights and smells. And how from a little,tiny innocent baby, we have this huge gift of salvation and freedom in Christ. When all is said and done-I want my family to look back at Christmas's remembering the fun of giving and the beauty of it all and to somehow get a minuscule glimpse of the beauty,the gift,the fun of knowing, and having God Almighty himself.

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