Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Rain,rain,dont go away...

Please stay another day! ..Its pouring outside! As I'm cleaning up I can hear the rain coming down and I love it! I know tourists who come here are probably extremely disappointed..no sunny skies,or warm tropical breezes,but for this Oregonian -I love it! Makes me want to craft,drink hot tea,read a good book or watch a movie!My driveway is covered in raindrops, and my yard is getting watered for Free!
Love it,feels like home.


  1. I love the rain too! When it rains in Illinois I just want to sit by a window and watch it come down. I think the love of rain is a part of the blood that runs through a true Oregonian!

  2. I love the rain too. It's a nice break from all the heat and sunshine...sounds weird I know.


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