Thursday, December 25, 2008

Leaving on a jet plane..

I will be back again....after seeing my grandson and family!Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

In with the new...

Out with the old..
I just got an Olympus camera! 8 pixels 5X optical! On sale Sears!
Im going to get it installed today..Woo Hoo!

Room WIth a view

I know I take this view from my living room for granted..especially when I see the snow reports from my family and friends.I thought Id share the view for you.Thank you God.Nice job!


Yesterday I let the neighbor kids and my kids ride scooters around the house..(tile floors) They had a blast! Sawyer was without a scooter so he followed along on his little rocket.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Olomana Christmas Parade

Every year our neighborhood puts on a parade.The kids decorate their scooters and bikes,adults decorate their cars, then at the end, they go to the school for snacks and crafts.This year Levi and Lily threw candy to the spectators.I usually walk with them but this time I stayed home,took pics and watched.

Christmas Party/Open House

We hosted an open house last night. First one since we lived here!
We invited neighbors,coworkers,friends,bosses and the property manager.We all had fun,the time flew by and I felt bummed I didn't have time to visit with everyone.This year Brian put lights up outside, so we also sat outside on the lanai.I made easy things-carrot cake,blueberry,cranberry,banana bread,and had cheese,crackers,veggies,apple cider,eggnog and coffee. I made Ginger girls and boys for the kids to decorate.I'm hoping open house will become a Christmas tradition.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Nutty Day-Good Day

Today I cleaned most of the day and I took before and after pics...too yucky to show how messy each room was...I also took pictures of my other decorations .These trees on top of the tv cabinet were 40% off, Yeah I love a deal, and the nutcrackers are from Thrift stores,Costco and one really nice one from Germany...(a gift) I share the prices because I love to get and/or hear about good deals from my family and friends!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

ginger girls

At the MOPS steering party I made Gingerbread girls and we all had 5 mins to decorate a are the "girls"-Erin's Hula girl cookie was voted the favorite.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Cutest happiest Baby boy

Ryan McGinnis 2 months Merry Christmas!!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Glass Ornaments

I've been buying glass ornaments from the different places where we've lived over the years.This year Macy's had a ton of Hawaii inspired ornaments 1/2 off already! I got a hula girl,woody car, and Santa with a ukulele!


After School...

Sawyer was playing oh so quietly...heres why...
Thankfully the blue "lipstick" washed right off!

portrait of mom

Sawyer was playing this morning and I heard him say "mom" "mom" heres why...
Lovely arent I?

Batman visits

Sawyers been wearing his costume whenever he gets the chance.I finally got him to stand still for me & lately he's been saying "Ho-Ho!"

Monday, December 15, 2008

"Flowers in the air"

Flowers everywhere! I went to take out the garbage for pick up and saw this little plumeria flower on the driveway. I thought,"Hum,pretty",then I got to looking at the flowers everywhere around the front yard. In the trees,on the bushes,by the front door,side of the house,etc...I know it is freezing in some parts and I know I take for granted all this beauty God put around me.I decided to share it with others.

Rain Day

Yesterday it rained again (alot) and the kids played outside, because its still warm and fun. They used the big leaves from the backyard for umbrellas.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Consequence Jar

I've been dealing with a lot of arguments and "attitude" from the kids-whether its bedtime,chore time,school time, etc...and because time outs & grounding hasn't made much difference -I came up with the "consequence jar".Inside I put numbers and I made a list of things to do around the house.(unload dishwasher,fold clothes,sweep kitchen,etc...).If theyre fighting or have sassy mouths-I've been telling them "that is unacceptable behavior or talk " and go to the jar and draw out a consequence. Yesterday after drawing three-their attitudes were much better today.Im hoping it helps with all the bickering and complaining.

This little light of mine...

...I'm gonna let it shine. Brought these lights home and placed them in the kitchen reminds me of the sunday school song and being a light in the world no matter what we're doing or where we are.

Saturday Craft time

Saturday was rainy,rainy,rainy...perfect time to work on my crafts! Ill show the finished projects at a later date...but overall a fun day for me!

Christmas outfits X3

I spent Friday morning running around from store to store trying to find Christmas outfits. It took most of the day looking for the correct sizes,colors,and prize point. Eventually The Children's Place had the boys shirts and pants(additional 1/2 off the clearance price!) and The Gap had a few tartan plaid dresses left! I rushed home to get the kids,feed them,take some pics by the tree and then go back for their Christmas program. Of course,not many pics turned out (blurry shots or not all looking at the camera)but I did capture the moment.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

"Have you seen the powder man?"

"He lives on Island Lane" Yeah,Sawyer was quiet and when I went in the living room he was walking around sprinkling different objects with baby powder.

Box Frustration!

..Two days ago I went to get a square flat rate box to ship a few items off to Nebraska,but my Post office was out of that size,so I grabbed a few of the flatter Flat rate boxes.This size did not work for the items I was shipping,so I went to a different P.O. and grabbed some of their boxes by their counter(crazy busy in there)When I came home I realized I had grabbed Large flat rate today after the rain calmed down I went back my PO, and saw they had gotten in square shaped flat rate boxes,however, once again, when I got home I see these are only for APO addresses.!!URGGG!!!! I think I wont be shipping anything until I'm ready once again to brave the parking lot,the rain,the crowds and have absolutely zero children with me.

Winter time in Hawaii

Down pouring,wind,power outages-welcome to the winter season here in Hawaii.Instead of snow days (no school) its Flood warning day. Unfortunately the weathers winning-the potted palm tree -not so much.Lily hates the weather like this-I keep reminding her who controls the weather. And Levi likes the weather,no school days. Sweet Sawyer-doesnt know,doesnt care.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Snow in Hawaii? snow.I know its 75-80 degrees here, but I put out the sled I got, when we lived in Montana, because it reminds me of the cold winters there and, my sister who made the wooden mittens for me years ago.. I love red, glitter, chipboard letters... so I had to take a pic of my wreath.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas Hawaiian Style

This is the sign that greets visitors who drive into my neighborhood.."Mele Kalikimaka to you!"

Monday, December 8, 2008

The Christmas Tree Family

I thought I'd post the trees from each room...Cookie cutters & candy canes -kitchen,small white tree-kids bath, homemade ornaments-my room,Pink tree-Lily's,Bright cars & airplanes-Levi & Sawyer's,All glass tree-living room,white snowballs & snowflakes-dining room.Each tree different, yet similar-just like a family!