Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I've been trying to add my new camera to my computer since Dec...I put the disk in and attached the USB cable and camera but nothing!!! Today after I prayed "please let me figure this out!!" ...I went to the Help section and read about attaching a device..It read
1.attach USB cable to computer and camera.
2.Turn power on device... ?????
Yep-That's right! I didn't have my camera on!! So stupid and simple Aurghhhh!!!
When I turned on the camera, all my pics (365) came onto the screen waiting to be transferred! Here's one of Ryan from Christmas... I am going to start clicking away ..Finally!!


  1. Goody! I was wondering where all your photo's were! Send me some from New Years , Love the pic of beautiful baby - luv u!

  2. yay val!! that's so funny that all you needed to do was turn on the power! :) glad you got it working! ryan is so handsome! what a blessing! miss you!!


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