Saturday, February 14, 2009

He loves me

My hubby had a card sitting out for me this morning,on the counter.I didn't know he was going to get anything?! (Because earlier he had asked what I'd like, and I said a pedicure next week)..Anyways,inside my card was a gift certificate to Ben Franklin craft store! Forget the flowers or chocolates-He knows what I like and he loves me.


  1. awww thats sweet. garrett got me my fav perfume :] but i asked for it haha. i learned with garrett if i want something i have to ask. later after years of marriage he'll maybe learn hints! haha but i dont mind. it's fun!

  2. now that's a man who pays attention, ha! It's great to read tidbits about your life! I miss your beautiful cards and inspiring creativity!!


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