Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Yo Baby!

I bought this all natural yogurt (Yo Baby)-without artificial sweeteners -for making sack lunches yesterday.Without thinking of the name ,brand,etc..my son came home and asked me why I gave him baby food.He said the kids asked him why he had baby food in his lunch..OOPS! not a good snack for a ten yr old! I told him Ill get something different tonight.I need to look at the outside too I guess not just the nutrition label.


  1. funny stuff, thats clementines favorite :)

  2. When can you feed it to your baby? Clementine is just now a year almost.
    WHen did she start it? I know its going to be great for Ryan's weight when he can have eggs and yogurt. Healthy fats. for now avocados... but those are frustrating bc you only can buy them like 2 days in advance w/o them having brown spots...

  3. That is too funny! I gave that to my boys too when they were babies. Super creamy and tasty...but even that doesn't matter to a 10 year old when there is a picture of a baby, I guess.


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