Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Getting ready for Preschool!

Sawyer is my only child that has attended preschool.Because he has a speech disorder,(Verbal Dyspraxia)and after he started working with Easter seals,he started going to preschool his 3rd birthday.I am blessed to say his teachers love him and he has loves to go. This past year I can see how many words he says and how many he attempts to say. I'm very thankful God gave them the extra special patience and wisdom to motivate him to practice his motor skills and talk.

For more technical info..


  1. wow such A BIG BOY! he looks so much older!! his little baby face is growing up in just the last year!! i'm so glad he did Easter Seals! he was always smart and now he gets to express it better!

  2. what a cutie!! hair looks great like always :)


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