Tuesday, September 15, 2009

MOPS,stamp class and cleaning...

Last week, I decided to my put family's needs,and home responsibilities first.This time before my Tuesday night stamp class, and my wants,I came home from MOPS,cleaned each room for 15 Min's,made some calls for my hubby,and got dinner started.I picked up the kids from school,then I went out to my crafty space,started cleaning it,cut out card stock, and was cleaning up my table, when my first friend arrived.(Normally I'd have come home from MOPS, go right out to my craft space,cut out card stock,clean it up then come inside, race around,become Sargent major to my kids, and order them around to get moving ,and feel awful afterwards.)
I was thinking of the verses "She looks well to the ways of her household" and "Seek Ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you".I know my family wont care about the cards I made if there isn't any dinner,clean clothes, and I'm crazy, stressed about the messy house. It felt great because the evening was MUCH more peaceful and I still accomplished what I needed to get down...

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