Sunday, September 13, 2009

Peaceful quiet Sunday

Do those three words even belong in the same sentence? That was today's goal-Brian has been trying to take each child on Sunday (one on one time) to do something they enjoy, while giving me a chance to catch up on whatever, on Sundays. Levi picked the shooting range for his Sunday afternoon outing, Lily picked Foster Botanical Garden last week, and today Sawyer picked the park with slides. I thought I'd have a nice crafting day -but, Lily asked a friend over, and two other neighborhood kids stopped by and asked to play ...Levi also had a friend from church over, and a couple neighborhood boys came by, and wanted to play outside with them.(4 in backyard,4 at table)
None of them were misbehaving-but the quiet,peaceful day? Not so much. I am glad they like having friends over and that their friends are comfortable about hanging out here as well.

Meanwhile, I worked on washing all the clothes I didn't tackle this week because my dryer had gone out. Brian put the new washer/dryer set in for me yesterday evening,'s the mountain I have yet to fold!

For those who know me-this is why I'm a night owl! Quiet and peaceful after 8pm!

1 comment:

  1. lily is looking so much older already! her face is changing. she's looking closer to 12 not 9. Pretty girl :]


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