Thursday, November 5, 2009

Candle Worthy

I read the blog The Nesting Place-and she was suggesting using candles to bring warmth into the home. The word emphasized was "using" them, not "decorating" with them, but actually lightening them up.
I so agree! I buy them when they are on sale at the grocery store, discount store, or from a garage sales - and put them around the house and love to light them!

I've got them in the kitchen..
in the living room...

in bedroom...

my bathroom...


and inside...

I even have them hidden ...

Behind my pictures.

The best advice is don't just wait for "company", light them up for you, and your lovely family-for their comfort and benefit and to add a little warmth into their life.

If I can go a step further-I also suggest -using the "good" dishes, and towels, and cooking
and cleaning up the house not just for company, and special occasions,but...drum roll please.. for your family as well!
They are MORE important than company-yeah?!
We live everyday in our homes, not our company, and we can set it up to be warm and fun and inviting for our sweet lovely kids and hubby, as well. Plus its fun! When they see the candles and smell the food and say -who's coming over? then you can say-you are! you're my company! and then watch, and enjoy their reaction.
I'm getting out my Thanksgiving dishes and decor to celebrate and be thankful for who God put in my life.
Now go light a candle! you are candle worthy!

1 comment:

  1. You are too cute! Love looking at the candles you have randomly placed in your home. You are also a very wise woman. I'm so blessed reading your words of wisdom.


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