Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Sunday Family Day

Brian's birthday fell on a Monday this year, so on Sunday afternoon, we had a "family day" to celebrate together. He drove over near Diamond Head, to the beach.

Sawyer wore Levi's goggles the whole time.

He picked up sand ...

and threw lots of sand back into the ocean.

The kids collected coral and shells,

and Levi boogie boarded.

I relaxed and soaked up the warm sunshine.

Afterwards, Brian wanted to show the kids a Cactus garden at a local college.

I did not realize there are so many varieties.
I took a lot of pictures , but do not know the names of the plants.
This one was bulbous at the bottom...

And this one looked like a tree-, but without leaves and poky, spiky things instead.. (real scientific aren't I)

This obviously isn't a cactus , but I liked this tulip tree...

Afterwards, we drove around the island past Hawaii Kai, and stopped in Waimanalo at Keneke's to surprise the kids with a shave ice. Look at the shock on Sawyer's face -they were so huge!
We got home in the early evening, had a lite dinner, then watched Ice Age 3 together. It was a great family day.
PS (Saturday Mr.B and I have a "date night", to celebrate our November birthdays together)

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