Monday, January 18, 2010

Day off with kids

I've been busy lately,and stressed a bit. House cleaned? Check, MOPS ready? check, dinner??? Uh check, Christmas taken down-uh no check,School work done? Laundry? etc,etc,etc...then tonight while I watched one of my favorite movies (Hope Floats)and worked on Thank you cards, I got especially touched when the mom tells her young daughter -that she realizes she is normal-but that her daughter is what makes her something special. She says alot of other super loving things in the scene as well.
I wanted to go wake up my kids right then (but didn't at 11pm)and tell them the same thing. I've been very busy, but hadn't taken much time during the last couple weeks to make sure I told them and showed them how special they each are to me. I've been spending LOTS of time telling them how to clean their rooms, improve their grades, and change their attitudes,etc...
So I decided tomorrow is a fun, full out holiday -day. A "you're special to me " day.
I went online and pre-purchased tickets for a matinee tomorrow-they'll have NO IDEA till we go! and I'm taking them to breakfast-yeah no cooking! and I'll try to go to the beach afterwards as well. Get out all the indoor energy! Come home and barbecue!
I cant wait to take them and surprise them. Enjoy your day! Hug your someone special!

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