Tuesday, January 5, 2010

No Penalty no crime

Fun Fact for those stressed after the holidays...There aren't any Christmas Decor Police that will be going around, checking out living rooms, bedrooms, dining rooms and family rooms, to see if you have taken down your Christmas trees, nativity scenes or lights. You can take as much time as you need to pack it all away. There isn't a crime or penalty stating Christmas must be down by Jan 1st or else! So relax,take a deep breath and slowly go for it.

...I do think there should be a prize patrol that goes around and hands out cool home decor items for those of us who take time to set it out , then put it away!


  1. Thank goodnes for no Christmas Decor police. My priorities are laundry and organizing. I am NOT taking down my tree until Ihave cleaned everything else up. bc I cant bare another "messy project" bc for me it would me messy! lol

  2. I loved your blog and your job as well! Everything is really precious and I loved everything! Congretulations for such a beautiful job! My name is Tatiana, I am from Brazil and I'll be following your blog starting from today!
    Love from Brazil...


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