Monday, April 19, 2010

I should be cleaning...

I have a very messy kitchen, lots of unfolded laundry, and tons of areas that need to be deep cleaned.

I walked my 3 miles this morning, and then came home, checked emails, blogs, and watched Celebrity Apprentice online,then Project Runway...
I have officially wasted the day! I tried to redeem my guilty conscience by baking some cranberry bread...

however it was from a box. The kitchen smells fantastic! My fridge should look like this, but it does not.

I have to finish repairing the thrift store quilt-but a quilter I am not. It is still sitting on my table.
3 hours before hubby comes home, so I best get off this computer, and quickly clean up my messes, and make some home made chicken nuggets! (that I read about on Yahoo while reading blogs no less)
Have a fabulous day as well!

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