Saturday, April 10, 2010

A star makeover

Literally a star...
I bought this tin star at a discount store for under $8!

I knew I wouldn't leave it up for more than one day after July 4Th, so I bought it intending to paint it. I used some acrylic paint I had left over from painting my sons wooden letters for their room.

I just drizzled paint all over the star, then took my paint brush and painted it.

The hardest part for me, is waiting for it to I used my hair dryer to speed up the process! It took two coats to cover it completely.

Next I added black paint into the seams, then I took an old washcloth and wiped the excess off.

When I finished, I hung it outside. Here it is ...

... between my two windows. Above the lava rock siding.

Instant gratification!

I also purchased some smaller stars, and hung a medium one in the boy's room.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful!! I love the burgandy against the tan siding! great make over :)


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