Thursday, May 13, 2010

Little Man is Five today!

When I found out at age 41 I was pregnant, I was very, very nervous!
Will I have the energy?, will he be healthy?, will I be able to handle it ?? (another c-section!?)
Well, he was ! Healthy!

And God has given me extra energy!

and yes, so far, God has helped me "handle it"...

He is a BIG blessing in our lives...

He's funny,
and charming,

and witty,
and all boy.

Tonight we're having a Batman Birthday Party. The cake is ready (thanks Safeway!)...
and the dining room is decorated in "Superhero form.."


And his big brother is here to help him celebrate! -One of my May birthday boys...

I thank God for you.


  1. wow, what a blessing, he looks gorgeous, its funny how God gives you what you need.

    happy birthday to your little hero!


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