Monday, May 10, 2010

Mothers Day was great!

After making me coffee, and getting sweet cards from my kids, my husband and asked me what I'd like to do for Mothers day and I asked that we clean up the garage! That's right I did...because we've been working on the inside of the house-our garage had become a catch all and it was stressing me out. He ran to the dump and I have a load for the thrift store today, and it still isn't completely done! It already feels much larger out there and I can see the "end of the junk tunnel"!
I hope you got what you wanted for Mother's Day too!

1 comment:

  1. Val, that's so funny! That is TOTALLY something I would ask for for Mother's Day!!! We spent the day with my parents and grandparents and aunt and cousin. My folks are home for the summer.


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