Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Hilton anyone?

My great friend (shout out to Nicole!) told me about the lagoon at the Hilton hotel...right next to Waikiki beach and best of all- FREE parking nearby. I told another friend about it, so last week we took our kids there and hung out ALL DAY.

IT WAS WONDERFUL! They tossed the football, paddled all around the mini island in the lagoon, paddled on their boogie boards, ate lunch, swam and expended all their energy!
We saw wedding photographers, summer school children, tourists, & honeymooners.

Tossing the football...

Sawyer (took over an hour) -caught a little fish...

Looking at the little fish...

Paddle Board...

Wedding couple taking pics...

Side of Hilton building...relaxing while watching the kids.

I loved that I could pack up and be home in 20 minutes after playing "tourist" myself.

I am blessed- I know it. I just tend to forget it.

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