Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Tan,blue and tile takeover...

Thank you for your patience!!!
Alright, drum roll please....It's time to show the boy's bedroom "redo"....But first! Here is another before shot...two beds, rattan floor mat to cover the cement floor, and a very full, messy closet...didn't even get a picture of it..

Now for the "redo" ...
First, I had to pull everything into my room, Lily's room and the hallway. Believe me it was messy, crowded and stressful! So much stuff was unused and unwanted ...I had to have a yard sale!
Mr. B. went to work on tiling the floor, while I organized and deleted things...

Closet tiled!

Next up-painting the walls Benjamin Moore's "Powell Bluff". I love the color because it goes very well with their furniture and its a warm neutral. Later that very same day...-time to grout ...

Even the closet got painted!

While the grout was drying inside, the baseboards were being stripped, re-stained, & resealed outside.

Levi was assigned the task of cleaning his windows and screens... look how clear they are now! (Where's Sawyer?)

Time to put the little guy to work! He painted all the letters for their room, in royal blue for me...

He wasn't too messy, and he wasn't too slow-he did just right!

and now without further ado-the whole room...

Open that door!

The whole room, we think, feels MUCH larger and there is way more floor space ...

Letters on the wall... courtesy of Sawyer's painting skills...

Dresser polished, and drawers all cleaned out and organized!

Close up of the dresser, old truck, and a John Potter painting...

Levi's desk -all ready for 7Th grade homework in the fall! A junior higher -wow! Lots of science, history, adventure and gun books. 60's rocket, Brian's old red radio, old globe, military models, lacrosse trophy, Lego airplanes, and an old, stuffed dog I bought in Florence Oregon.
Space for a bulletin board, and their school backpacks next year.

Now for all the details...We went on a "Walmart & Ross" shopping spree for a few new items...

I purchased 4 new, striped panels for the window, that block the sun beautifully, so worth $46!.... and I hung up the rooster "Boys" sign (that used to hang on the door of my husbands childhood fort)...

I bought a new 5 X 7 shag rug for the tile floor -perfect for playing on! or for little toes in the morning...

I wanted new art work for the walls, but my husband suggested using the paintings we had stored, under our bed....

We had purchased paintings from Montana artist John Potter, 9 years ago when we lived in Big Timber, Montana and I was afraid of it looking too "Western" in the room, so I was thinking of selling them. But because of the colors in the art, the quality and the more sophisticated theme, it, complimented Levi's interests, and saved us some moo-la, I used them.

Plus made my hubby happy.

(This painting is hanging on the wall to the left of Levi's desk)

I hung up my husband's checkerboard he had made in high school, and painted out the red stars, that were previously hanging in the room, with royal blue paint.

I took everything in Levi's desk and off of the wood shelves and reorganized, rearranged , and downsized the clutter...

I purchased a $5 lamp at the thrift store, took the shade off and placed it onto my existing lamp-which I spray painted black.

I had purchased these Ikea metal boxes at the thrift store a while back, and decided to use them to store Levi's "keepsakes" ( his sling shot, empty bullet casings, shells, etc...)
and to keep them out of reach of his younger "destructo -man",brother.

Lastly, I bought each boy- khaki, 100% cotton sheets, and a tan, soft, slightly textured, decorative pillow for their bed.

Here is the closet...I know- the doors still have to be added this weekend, but the majority of the miscellaneous clutter that was inside, is gone! I had to take a picture! If you'd seen it before in person, you'd be saying "Wow!"

Once again


And after....
All done!

Well, almost-my room (to be tiled) is next! Argh! the closets! the horror!

Time for sleep!

Thanks and enjoy!


  1. WOW it looks SOOOOO much bigger! I like it! You do great jobs! I wish you could come help me with the kids rooms!

  2. Looks awesome! I love that tile, must be nice to live in an area that's hot enough all year to have tile on all the floors. :) I love the new curtains and all the special old touches like that "boys" rooster. Sooo cute! Makes me want to see if Shawn's mom has anything old like that ;) Shawn and I are coming to Maui in October, ALONE, that's WITHOUT children!!! It would be soooo great to see you guys! We will be there the 14th-21st. We'll chat more about that later...
    Miss ya,


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