Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Three Dollar Slipcover

I bought this chair for Lily's room,painted it white and still hadn't properly covered the seat.

We don't have a fabric store nearby , so I also bought this Hotel collection Sheet at the thrift store because I liked the square texture and the thickness of the fabric.

I cut off the top of the sheet with the stitching so I could use it as the edge around my chair cover.

I traced around the chair pad and cut out two pieces to sew together.

I stitched the ruffle edge onto the top piece first, then sewed the second piece to the first piece.

I left a smell opening to turn it inside out.

The perfect edge that I didnt have to cut and sew -because it was already to go, when I cut it off of the sheet. I'm easy/lazy? like that.

The stitching left a nice little detail on the edge of the cover.

I wanted to be able to take it off and on, so I could wash it when needed.

With the extra fabric, I sewed a pillow to put inside the ruffle pillow cover.

Here it is next to the bed..oops- no, I didn't iron anything before taking this picture.

Sweet spot for my sweet girl.

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