Thursday, August 11, 2011

New shelf

I realize Ive been "gone" for a long time! I have some sewing projects to post and random things Ive bought ---however, my camera is broken. Until that gets fixed -I'll post some older things.
Like this shelf! I found it at the thrift store and liked it because it was metal.
I took down one of my other frames to hang this.

Eventually I put the picture closer to the shelf..but I cant take a picture of it because, well you know...
Hum, looks better in person!

1 comment:

  1. I think it looks great. Oh I'd go nuts if my camera wasn't working. Hang in there.I enjoyed my visit to your blog. I invite you to visit me at Katherines Corner. If you like giveaways I have one going on now that ends very soon. Hugs


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