Friday, July 5, 2013

Front Porch Makeover $4! ...for 4th of July

Here is what my porch looked like July 3rd.
My sons collection of driftwood and his kite.
The porch needed a good washing too.
I wanted some place to seat and drink my coffee while he was outside riding his scooter.

I had seen these two cafe chairs at the thrift store but they weren't selling-so I asked if they'd take less and they did! for $4!

There was a rip in the seat and they had some rust on them.

I unscrewed the seats first...

Wiped them down and then primed them.

And then gave them a coat of white paint.

I had left over thrift store fabric from another prior project...

I took the seat

Laid in on the fabric and cut out a circle around it.
Then I gathered it and duck taped it to the back (because I couldn't find the staple gun and it is temporary for the 4th of July.)
Look how beautiful -not-(I do not recommend this for regular every use)

I screwed it back onto the chair-it'll do.

Already had this little end table...

Put some blue fabric and a flag bandana over the top for a cover.
Added a 1935 songbook.

Added this metal vase and some white hydrangeas too...

Hung up another banner I made...

Now all complete!

Here is another before...

And another after.

Looking out from my front door.

I can sit and enjoy the weather.

Ready for the 4th of July!

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